We came, we saw, we SHOPPED.

Let’s relive the magic of our Tulsa to IKEA Shopping Trip.


On Sunday, June 2, a group of 60 Tulsans got on a charter bus headed for IKEA Frisco.

We had two missions:

Show IKEA we need our own store
Spend money!
7:00 a.m.

Good morning, shoppers!

IKEA shoppers arrived bright and early to load up into our big Tulsa Loves IKEA charter bus. Tulsans of all ages and walks of life came on the trip! The group included a few mother-daughter duos, a few couples, groups of friends, and a fair share of die-hard IKEA fanatics — including 80-year-old Beverly, who has been going to IKEA since the 1970s, and came on the trip so she could buy her favorite IKEA product: candles.

Each shopper received a Tulsa Loves IKEA T-shirt, shopping tote, sticker pack, and pin.

By the time we arrived at IKEA Frisco four hours later, we were ready to shop.

12:30 p.m.

Food and fun at IKEA

Before going straight into the IKEA showroom, many shoppers first stopped to grab a bite at the IKEA restaurant. We tried the iconic Swedish meatballs, Lingonberry soda, delicious desserts, and more.

Then, we focused on the real task at hand: SHOPPING! Some shoppers went in with a clear strategy and organized shopping lists, others decided to go with the flow and let the store inspire their purchases.

Because we all wore yellow shirts, many IKEA Frisco shoppers confused us for staff members — “Do you work here?” which gave us a chance to talk about our goal of bringing an IKEA store to Tulsa! We also met a lot of fellow Oklahomans who were shopping that day who say they also support our cause.

3:30 p.m.

Let’s load up

After three hours of shopping, it was time to load up our purchases. Large items like Kallax bookcases (there were MANY of these), chairs, desks, and sofas were packed safely in an extra U-Haul truck brought along for the trip.

Shoppers were given sandwiches for the long ride home, and we hit the road — but not before one last surprise from IKEA Frisco! Their team handed out gift cards to every shopper as a goodbye gift.

8:00 p.m.

Home sweet home

Despite driving through a thunderstorm, we made it back to Tulsa safely and soundly. Shoppers picked up their IKEA goodies, loaded them up in their cars, and took them back to their new homes. A total success!


We’ve been getting a lot of questions about whether we’ll do this shopping trip again. Stay tuned…

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